Aug 28, 2023
In our last episode of Season Four (Season Five beginning soon), Prof. Gupta imagines Paul in prison reflecting on one last sermon that captures and expresses without restraint the wonder and truth of God’s grace as he has preached and known it. We begin with the great “But God” of Ephesians 2:4. Dr. Nijay Gupta,...
Aug 22, 2023
An Exegetically Speaking listener submitted a question about the gender of a Greek relative pronoun in Matthew’s genealogy (Matt 1:1-16), which provides an opportunity to talk about the potentials (and challenges) of this aspect of grammar for translation. The questioner, Russell, listens to this podcast from his home...
Aug 21, 2023
An Exegetically Speaking listener submitted a question about the gender of a Greek relative pronoun in Matthew’s genealogy (Matt 1:1-16), which provides an opportunity to talk about the potentials (and challenges) of this aspect of grammar for translation. The questioner, Russell, listens to this podcast from his home...
Aug 14, 2023
In his teaching about family relations (e.g. Eph. 5:21–6:9), Paul is echoing descriptions of a household that had been formalized by Aristotle, but in so doing Paul turns Aristotle’s teaching on its head. Dr. Lynn Cohick is Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Director of Houston Theological Seminary...
Aug 7, 2023
As Mark Lanier explains in this episode, the opening words of the Epistle of James, which are rooted in the OT idea of the “servant of YHWH,” give us a window onto how the resurrection of Jesus transformed James’ relationship with and understanding of his brother, Jesus. Lanier is a practicing attorney, a teacher...